ToolBox Release Notes
Added XMD Source licensing option.
Added support for XMDSource library.
Added in a fewer higher resolution icons.
Modified alpha channel on ZBrush resource icons.
Updated themes
Fixed some issues with setting the XMDSource library download path.
Check for read-only flag on favorite sets.
Updated icons to higher resolution ones.
Fixed language issue on some dialogs due to which region you live in.
Fixed some icon sizing issues.
Fixed ZBrush install detection issues on Windows.
Fixed plugin data file location issues on Windows.
Added tooltip for Library button.
Updated installer to not overwrite any ToolBox v1 settings.
Added ability to launch ToolBox from ZBrush back in.
Fixed reversed RGB values for ZBrush file type icons.
Windows: Fixed issue after closing when the main area is collapsed.
Added 3x size brush icons as a test.
Windows: Fixed issue with icons not showing up in the library.
Updated some themes and added 2 new themes.
Fixed crash related to category filters on some resource types.
Remember the filter UI settings when changing between resource types.
Improved performance when scrolling the main view.
Fixed issue with clicking on the scrollbar in the library view.
Fixed issue with the borders on the collapse controls when using certain combinations showing a white area.
Added 4th view option for extra large resource icons. Now it has normal, large, extra large, and list views.
Fixed open resource folder on middle click.
Fixed saving and loading various system settings like advanced tooltips on and off.
Added additional highlighting to the active favorite set.
Additional updates to some themes.
Implemented favorite set reordering via drag and drop.
MacOS: Fixed library downloads not extracting.
Fixed issue on startup when you have multiple favorite sets, the favorite star was highlighted on all favorite resources regardless of set.
Made accept license checkbox use the correct theme color.
Fixed issue when adding new favorite sets related to colors and read only flag.
Enabled text highlighting via mouse on edit boxes.
Fixed issue adding new XMD Categories.
Fixed saving custom locations for lights and UI layouts.
Fixed loading fibers and lights in ZBrush.
Fixed issue with multi-select and favoriting on some resources.
Enabled mouse selection in the description edit box.
Fixed issue with description edit box not showing in some cases.
Adjusted mouse scrolling on favorite set tabs.
Added additional license key options.
Added floating license key options.
Remove extra whitespace for keys when validating.
Prevent multiple copies of the ToolBox from running at the same time.
Refactored license checks to work on macOS 10.13 and higher (was 10.15 before).
Fixed issue with starting ToolBox after a crash.
Fixed scrolling on large icon view in the Library.
Fixed issue with special characters when logging into Library.
Refactored library to now work on macOS 10.13 and 10.14.
Added link to help documentation.
Fixed issue caused by certain characters when logging into the library.
Fixed issue with special characters when logging into Library.
Fixed some blurry icons.
Fixed the filters not clearing when re-opening the library.
Fixed the height on the dropdown menus in the filter dialog when there are a lot of items.
Fixed an issue when loading very old brush file formats.
Fixed activating brushes and other resources from paths containing non-Latin characters.
Show the login screen when opening the XMDSource library when not logged in.
Made navigating back to the XMDSource library more obvious.
Changed the filter popover to be a dedicated tab next to properties.
Added support for additional file types when downloading individual items from the library.
Added support for LightCaps.
Added reset light and lightcap buttons.
Improved Library experience. Available sets can be seen even when not logged in.
Made the default theme match ZBrush. The old default theme is still available as XMD Blue.
ToolBox v3.0.0 is now free for everyone! No more license keys are required.
Added support for render presets, grids, spotlights, and array meshes.
Added ability to sync ToolBox UI colors to ZBrush UI colors.
Added favorite toggle option on favorite set items.
Fixed rescan button in settings.
Added horizontal option for mini mode.
Fixed an issue on some systems where the resources are not activated in ZBrush when selected from ToolBox.
Fixed an issue when deleting categories.
MacOS: Fixed issue running with Apple Silicon and ZBrush 2023.
Windows: Fixed issue when loading settings from the registry.
Added support for ZBrush documents.